Caring for Asian Elders Podcast Series

blog Apr 27, 2023
caring asian elders aarp

If you are an Asian American, then you know that your ethnic heritage can have a huge influences the needs and preferences of your aging parent or grandparent. This series of podcasts on the Value of Wrinkles podcast is a great resource for Asian American caregivers!

As someone who grew up in a multigenerational household and took part in caring for my Mama and Yeye (paternal grandparnents), I knew that the services and senior care that I knew of through my professional experience couldn't always carry over to the needs of my own family members. My Asian culture made things different. My hope is that this series will support, encourage, and inspire you and your families as you care for your Asian elder. 

Listen to the episodes on this series HERE. 


 A special thanks to AARP for sponsoring this podcasts series!

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